Cross-Cultural Psychology 2-3 page paper pertaining to the attached document. I am also including further instructions per the instructor. Assignment: Explain the differences in parenting style of “collectivist” and “individualist” parents. Describe how each couple would differ in their expectations of each of the children. I would advise two separate paragraphs for this bullet point. Compare styles, and then tackle expectations. Note that the assignment calls for expectations of each of the children. The children’s ages are important. Avoid the mistake of making blanket statements about all of the children. Also, many students settle for defining the two cultures or stating their general values. Be sure that you make statements specific to parenting style in your comparisons. In light of the differing styles and expectations, analyze the points of conflict that would arise when the parents were swapped. Be sure to identify how the collectivist parents would respond to the individualist children as well as how the individualist parents would react to the collectivist children. If you are aiming for an A, tackling each child separately is a good idea. You definitely want one section for the collectivist parents with the individualist family and one for the individualist parents with the collectivist family. Remember that specific is better than general. Many settle for comments like “family discipline will be a point of conflict.” That is probably true, but shows only a very general knowledge of the cultural differences. Specific comments about how that will likely play out will score much higher. Compare the grandparents’ role in the collectivist family to the grandparents’ role in the individualist family. Identify the conflicts that these roles would cause when the parents were swapped. Then speculate about how the “new” mother and father may wish to change the existing roles. For some reason people often skip this section or reduce it to a sentence. A good answer requires a paragraph. Compare the roles, and then think about how they would clash after the swap. Don’t leave out that last part—how would the swapped parents try to change things? Another common problem is trying to answer this prompt without referring to research. That will not go well. There are sufficient research findings reported in our text to guide your response. Offer your conclusion about how you anticipate the show will end. Will any of the family members adjust their beliefs or behaviors? You can’t really get this part wrong, since it’s all made up. Just show me you’ve thought about it and support your answer.

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