Essay- Outgroup versus Ingroup: Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Assignment #6 Essay

Applied Learning Activity: Essay- Outgroup versus Ingroup: Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Before the Assignment:

Us versus them, outgroup versus ingroup and diversity and inclusion are important concepts for both understanding conflict within groups and society and for finding a path forward towards peaceful resolution. Specifically, Martin Luther King Jr. challenged the governmental laws and society’s attitude and behavior towards people of color through peaceful protests. King’s social justice initiatives lead to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, whereby black people’s inalienable rights as citizens of the United States were written into law. However, in spite of these laws, ingroup and outgroup, segregation and us versus them attitudes and behaviors continue to persist in the 21st century. You will read in this week’s article, with the Middle East as an example, that war is often the primary modality of resolving ingroup/outgroup differences. Though peaceful

resolution of conflicts between different diverse groups is a lofty goal, King demonstrated that this can in fact be done, and that social psychological concepts and tools provide a pathway towards peaceful conflict resolution.

Read Chapter 13 in your textbook. -

Read the article Reaffirming King’s Vision.

a. Brannon, T. (2018). Reaffirming King’s vision: The power of participation in inclusive diversity efforts to benefit intergroup outcomes.Journal of Social Issues, 74(2), 355-376.

3. Read the article Social Psychology for Intergroup Intervention.

a. Cehajic-Clancy, S., Goldenberg, A., Gross, J. J., & Halperin, E. (2016).

Social-psychological interventions for intergroup reconciliation: An emotion

regulation perspective. Psychological Inquiry, 27(2), 73-88. 4. Watch the video Finding Confidence in Conflict.

a. Kwame, C. (2017). Finding confidence in conflict. TEDxDayton. Assignment

In your essay, discuss King’s vision for inclusion and diversity and how his vision continues to be relevant in the 21st century. Be sure to integrate the concepts of peace and conflict from Chapter 13 of your textbook. (approximately 1-1⁄2 pages)

Explain the issues related to war and conflict in the Middle East and then discuss how emotional regulation and reconciliation can bring peaceful resolution. (approximately 1- 1⁄2 pages)

Describe how embracing conflict can positively impact peacemaking. Then explain what you can personally do to find peaceful conflict resolution in your own life or in the groups of which you are a part. (approximately 1 page)


● Paper length is approximately 1000 words (4 pages; do not go over 1350 words). ● Include both cover and reference pages.

● Begin with an introductory paragraph that includes a clear thesis statement. Be sure that you are writing one cohesive essay.

● End the paper with a concluding paragraph that restates your thesis.
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● Cite FOUR sources. This must include the textbook, the video and both research articles. When in doubt, cite. It is better to over cite than to under cite.

● Explain- do not simply summarize- the social psychology concepts. Use your own words and paraphrase throughout.

● Do not use “quoted material” unless the author’s original words are critical to understanding the point (i.e. MLK- “I have a dream.”). Otherwise, all information should

be paraphrased.
● Define research terms and give real world examples where appropriate.

● If you need help with these writing components, review the required writing resources

for this class and/or the Help write my thesis – APA tutorial.
● Refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

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