Health Promotion Program
The master’s prepared nurse should consider and obtain multigenerational informed consent for conducting individual genetic testing. A multigenerational informed consent usually educates person the test to be carried upon about the test and getting permission to conduct the testing. the multi-generational informed consent gives people and their family ability to make their medical decisions. According to Eccles et al. (2015), the informed consent helps the persons in understanding the purpose of the test and the health condition that demands for the conducting of the testing (Shin, et al., 2014). Informed consent also informs the adults on the emotional and physical risks related with the tests. The multigenerational tests disclose the person to reveal the results and how the results would be disclosed. Therefore, the nurse should review the input of multigenerational informed consent to assist with the prevention of disease across the life span of the people.
The genetic testing could offer a diagnosis that is relevant in most areas of medicine and could adjust medical care of the family members. The genetic testing requires for the use of genetic testing to help the family members to understand the overall results. The perspectives to genetic testing are personalized on medical history and it is categorized into single gene testing, panel testing, and genomic testing (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d). The multi-generational tests should be formulated in a way that integrates technology to assist in preventing common diseases and the potential improvement on the health of the individuals and populations. For example, the predictive gene tests are useful in determining the potential risks for the development of common diseases.
It is recommendable for the multi-generational testing to follow the relevant scientific standards and regulations to identify the testing variations that influences the response to medicines. Individual experts should be able to ensure that the multi-generational testing is harmless to the patients including causing physical or psychological harms to the public. The role of master’s prepared nurse is to ensure that the relevant guidelines and policies are followed to promote the multi-generational testing (Vedanthan, et al., 2016). The nurse should understand the policies and recommendations to improve the compliance with the legal guidelines of multi-generational testing. As a result, the nurse practitioner should offer relevant information for making good decisions for monitoring the health of the families.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d). Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base. Retrieved from
Eccles, D. M., Mitchell, G., Monteiro, A. N. A., Schmutzler, R., Couch, F. J., Spurdle, A. B., … & Blok, M. J. (2015). BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing—pitfalls and recommendations for managing variants of uncertain clinical significance. Annals of Oncology, 26(10), 2057-2065.
Shin, D. W., Cho, J., Roter, D. L., Kim, S. Y., Park, J. H., Cho, B., Eom, H., Chung, J., Yang, H., & Park, J. (2014). Attitudinal concordance toward uptake and disclosure of genetic testing for cancer susceptibility in patient–family member dyads. Clinical Genetics, 86, 112–120.
Vedanthan, R., Bansilal, S., Soto, A., Kovacic, J., Latina, J., Jaslow, R., Santana, M., Gorga, E., Kasarskis, A., Hajjar,R., Schadt, E., Bj?rkegren, J., Fayad, Z., & Fuster, V. (2016). Family-based approaches to cardiovascular health promotion. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(14), 1725-37.

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