Unique WLAN Applications
Using the Internet, research wireless LAN applications. Compile a list of at least five applications that you had not imagined before for WLANs, and write a one-paragraph description below each one. The paragraph should mention the challenges that you might face if you were asked to provide support for each particular implementation. If possible, contact a user of the new application and ask him or her about their particular experiences with the WLAN implementation. Add this information to your report.

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Wireless Network Applications

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Unique WLAN Applications
The increasing demand for digital transformation by consumers has forced market players to invest heavily in wireless local area network (WLAN) technologies in hopes of maintaining their competitive positions. This has led to the development of diverse applications that fit the various needs of users. WLAN as developed to replace wired networks and allow for devices to communicate with each other using radio frequency channels. As discussed in this report, some of the applications include autonomous vehicles, IoT, real-time inventory control, public Wi-Fi, healthcare workflow, and remote surveillance control. Unfortunately, most technologies face challenges, and so do WLAN applications. Despite the challenges, WLAN innovations give experiences that are aimed at providing the much needed digital transformation for today and the future.
Autonomous vehicles make headlines as possible WLAN achievements since they are now considered the future of transport. Even though the technology has not been fully implemented, the innovation has already moved from lab-based to actual street testing (Khosravi, 2018). However, the technology has posed challenges working on the 4G network as it is not fast enough to process the intended human-like reflexes. It is said that technology will achieve its full potential when the 5G network is ubiquitous. Just recently, a self-driving Uber caused a fatal accident that raised doubts about the innovation’s safety.
IoT, as an emerging technology, heavily relies on WLAN as it has diverse connectivity requirements. Without WLAN, it would be difficult to imagine IoT as it requires a medium to facilitate data throughput while considering issues such as the range of connection. The implementation of WLAN to run IoT applications may offer challenges such as network traffic due to the huge amounts of data constantly generated by the devices (Parekh, 2017). IoT devices have to communicate using WLAN connections and then transfer the data to the cloud for storage. These processes may render the IoT innovation non-functional if the network traffic experiences downtimes.
Real-time inventory control is another application that has transformed operations within the business industry. Some of the advantages of WLAN, such as mobility and availability, have enabled business people to improve their performance by managing inventory offsite. Because of WLAN technology, people can get real-time alerts on their supplies thanks to automated WLAN meter readers. Challenges experienced with this type of implementation often occur due to the WLAN being highly dependent on the meter reading hardware and the network (Corey, 2017). Working with this application requires a high level of technical skill to monitor and manage the system
Gone are the days when people had to assemble within their offices to share their shot range Wi-Fi connection. Today, Public Wi-Fi has blown up across cities, such that the government has set up open connections across most streets (Corey, 2017). Almost a decade ago, such applications were not available, and it is quite impressive that recent advancements have made public Wi-Fi possible. Outdoor Wi-Fi has been termed as the most wanted WLAN application as it gives guests, students, police departments, and municipalities a quality experience. While free hotspots are popular, they may pose challenges as they are weak points for network security.
Healthcare is one of the industries that is benefiting the most from WLAN. The application of the technology has improved the workflow across numerous facilities to give consumers quality services, as is healthcare organizations’ goal. The technology supports mobility, which is a key contributing factor to the improved workflow. Challenges faced with this application are mostly focused on privacy since healthcare IT systems hold large amounts of confidential information. Therefore, the support personnel must be capable of detecting, identifying, preventing, and mitigating security threats while enforcing adequate measures to secure the network.
Surveillance is another application that has enabled both private and public sectors to benefit from WLAN technologies. Increased criminal activity levels have everyone at risk of losing something hence the need to make proper security arrangements. WLAN has facilitated surveillance and remote monitoring through Wi-Fi connections, which allow users to oversee the safety of their business, home, or community. Hardware architecture may be the major challenge with this type of application as it is highly dependent on WLAN routers, several access points, controllers, and CCTV cameras (Corey, 2017). Support will have to invest a considerable amount of time in designing the right mix for the architecture.
In conclusion, there are vast WLAN applications to satisfy the ever-growing need by consumers for digital transformation regardless of available downsides. Despite the market player’s abilities to respond to consumer needs, there are challenges experienced across each application. Fortunately, most of the applications offer benefits that outweigh the challenges. Based on such sentiments, it is fair to claim that WLAN has transformed the digital world as it opened a doorway to the future. Applications such as autonomous cars, IoT, real-time inventory control, public Wi-Fi, healthcare, and surveillance serve as evidence for technology evolution. It may be difficult for support teams to maneuver through the challenges, but there is always a countermeasure that can overcome the hurdles.
Corey, F. (2017). The 5 Wireless Networking Issues Every IT Pro Deals with. Retrieved from https://www.ctctechnologies.com/top-5-wireless-wlan-problems/
Khosravi, B. (2018). Autonomous Cars Won’t Work – Until we have 5G. retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/bijankhosravi/2018/03/25/autonomous-cars-wont-work-until-we-have-5g/#78d09511437e
Parekh, J. (2017). WiFi’s evolving role in IoT. Retrieved from https://www.networkworld.com/article/3196191/wifi-s-evolving-role-in-iot.html#:~:text=Role%20of%20WiFi%20in%20IoT,wireless%20communication%20over%20unlicensed%20bands.&text=WiFi%20is%20an%20obvious%20choice,not%20always%20the%20appropriate%20choice.

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