

Outline how the Constitution structures Congress

Analyze how Congress organizes itself in respect to the role of parties

Detail the congressional role in checks and balances

Evaluate the process of how Congress makes laws

Describe how congressional elections work and the kind of Congress these elections produce

Evaluate the constitutional roles and powers of the American president

Assignment help – Discuss how the expectations about and roles of the president have changed over time and the evolution of implied powers

Analyze how the president’s interactions with Congress

Assess the role of bureaucracies in enforcing the law

Describe how the federal bureaucracy is organized and how it has changed


Congress Video Notes Assignment

***This assignment is related to the nine-part video series which you watched in the Module Five lecture.***

Briefly explain the main points and steps found in each video in your own words. You may do this in paragraph form or in bulleted notes.

Use the titles of the videos to separate your explanations.

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