Module 11 Conflicts Reflection Assignment

500 words
Read the paragraph below and respond in at least 500 words. You will have at least 3 references. The references must be accurate, no forgery!!
Why do disagreements and conflict make us uneasy? There are those that identify as battlers, those that avoid conflict at any cost, and those that are the collaborators or peacemakers. Which type are you? Why do you gravitate toward this style? Is it genetic or something you learned? Who else in your family or household also utilizes this style? Does birth order have anything to do with it? (It is said that middle children are often the peacemakers because they grow up in the middle of conflict.) Which do you belong to? Why do you like this style so much? Is it in your genes or did you learn it? Who else in your household or family uses this style? What does the order of birth have to do with it? People often say that middle children are good at making peace because they grow up in the middle of fights.How come some people have a high tolerance for disagreements and conflict while others have a very low tolerance? Are there benefits to conflict? How does conflict influence our life choices (e.g., relationships, occupations, etc.)?

Reflect on these questions and write a 500 word response. Be sure to carefully edit your work for grammar and spelling, and organize it in Help write my thesis – APA format (7th edition).

Hi students,
You will have well arranged paragraphs that respond the questions above. If you fail to respond to one question, I will deduct 10% from your work. The more questions you fail to respond to, the more marks I take. 0% GRADE will be awarded to students who plagiarize papers, and a summon to the academic panel will follow.
It is your choice to do the right thing.
Prof. P.

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