China’s Pursuit of Semiconductor Independence
Reflection paper #1

China’s Pursuit of Semiconductor Independence

Center for Strategic & International Studies

Semiconductors and the U.S.-China Innovation Race

Watch the video clip and read the article. Homework help – Write a summary of the main points and the overall takeaway from your reflection. You are expected to apply IPE concepts discussed in this course as your analytical tools. They include mercantilism, neoliberalism, and structuralism conceptual frameworks.

Suggestion: Your reflection paper may cover these themes:

An explanation of how a mercantilist vis-à-vis a liberalist would be differed in their debate on this issue. What their recommendation to the US government and the Chinese government would be on this matter

China’s Pursuit of Semiconductor Independence
Semiconductors are a highly valuable commodity in the high-tech world today. There is increased demand for semi-conductors that has led to the battle between China and the united states over the tech supremacy this has resulted in disruption of international commerce. Over decades, United states has been the leader in the supply of the semi-conductors worth over 48% of the market share. China on the other end, is the leader importer of the commodity due to its heavily high-tech culture. China has since struggled to gain its semiconductor independence and be able to be self-sufficient and all rounded (CSIS,2019). That has forced the United states in an attempt to control the fight for independence impose tighter licensing polices towards the semiconductors, more so towards the Chinese government. Its greatest concerns are Chinese utilization of the commodity in the surveillance and military compatibility.
According to Erin Ennis during the she claims that, sometimes not everything in business is about competition but rather the power to foster international trade. The interdependence of nations makes international trade possible. The rivalry between the two superpowers has resulted in a mercantilism. Mercantilism entails the government regulation of international trade in order to strengthens its national power and generate more wreath. It is often associated to economic nationalism especially for nations that are seek liberalism. Mercantilism results in monopolies. This has since resulted in the outrightly rivalry between China and the United States and disrupts matters international political economy. The United States advocates for mutual dependence, among nations to foster international trade. Thus, the reason It is adamant against China’s pursuit against semiconductors independence.
United states imposition of policies on China’s effort to seek the semiconductor independence is in an effort to control china from obtain absolute advantage rather than competitive advantage in the tech world. Chinese strategic connection towards the semi-conductor’s independence has used the U.S to increase on its protective tariffs, though his critical cutting-edge commodity. The fear of the shift in technological powers has United The main hindrance towards the Chinese government attaining the independence is the lack of semi-conductor manufacturing equipment and software that servers as the main hindrance (VerWey, 2019). The global economic village strives for neoliberalism as it fosters free markets, and sustainable economic development. Neoliberalism facilitates economic freedom that allow the international political intervention thus facilitate globalization. The global economy has come a long way to attain free trade. However, the struggle by nations to obtain absolute advantage. The disruption between the two economies resulted in the US foreign economic policies from liberalism to mercantilism coupled with protectionism. China on the other hand retaliated by fighting for its independence and the war continues till date. The rivalry owing to long felt destabilization of the international affairs. (CSIS,2019).
Liberalism is imperative, free trade between China and United States is important as they are the key pillars for international trade. Destabilization of the liberal free trade means a whole disorientation of other nations such as Taiwan (Foreign Policy, 2021). The united states should facilitate free trade by eliminating the policies, whares China should fight to obtain competitive advantage rather than absolute advantage. Mercantilism should be abolished for liberalism to proper sans china and United states can since renew their trade polices and maintain their dependence on each other.

VerWey, J. (2019). Chinese semiconductor industrial policy: Past and present. J. Int’l Com. & Econ., 1.
CSIC , (2019) China’s pursuit of semiconductor independence (Retrieved March 25, 2021)
Foreign Policy special analytics (2021) (Retrieved March 25, 2021)

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