Week 4: Interactive Learning Activity
:Learning Outcomes 4.1 .Understand the advantages and disadvantages of buying an existing business .Explain the four steps involved in the right way to buy a business .Describe the five steps of the deal stage for buying a business the right way .Understand the transition stage for buying a business the right way
:Action Required 4.2 .The following table shows the questions
False True Questions When the location of the business is critical to its success, it .may be wise to purchase a business in another location It is important to develop a list of criteria that a potential .business acquisition must meet An important advantage of buying an existing business is the greater likelihood that it will continue to survive and thrive in .the marketplace A new owner of an existing business can generally introduce change and innovation almost as easily as if the company was .a new business start-up

Assignment help – Discussion Assignment:
4.1 Learning Outcomes:

1. Increase the understanding of why a dominant design emerges and why it is not always the most technological superior design that becomes dominant.
2. Identify the primary sources of increasing returns and network externalities.
3. Identify the tools needed to determine whether “winner-take-all” markets are good for consumers.
4. Understand the multidimensional model for assessing the value of a technology to buyers.
5. Understand the relationship between network externalities, modularity, and platform competition.

4.2 Action Required:

• Watch the short video in the following link

4.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Q. Homework help – Write a short note on platform ecosystem

4.4 Instructions

• Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week4: Interactive learning Assignment help – Discussion)
• Your answers should not exceed word limit of 100-120

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