Computer Sciences and Information Technology Software Review

Describe five separate software and submit the following information:

Submission Instructions:
Software Name:
Category (System, Utility, or Application)
Purpose: Describe what features the software provides, and why you would use or currently use the software. (Not all users take advantages of all software features.)
Opinion: Your opinion of the software.
You may use any word format to document your assignment, i.e., text or tables.

Please note: An application software improves users’ productivity and supports the tasks. Utility software (also known as service program, service routine, tool, or utility routine) is a type of computer software; it is specifically designed to help manage and tune the computer hardware. The operating system, also known as system software, manages the computer—I like to call it the “BOSS” of the computer system. I hope this explanation offers further level of distinctions among software programs.
Category: Utility software
Purpose: Dia is a general purpose diagraming software. The app is open sourced and compatible with the Linux and Windows operating system. The app has immense features that place it in direct competition with Microsoft visio suite. It has an incredible and dynamic list of shapes that adequately complement its role as a cheaper option for network infrastructural design. Being primarily used for architecture and network design the software employs simple and unique functions that get the job delivered allowing easy creation of flow charts and network diagrams. It uses a controlled single document interface which allows one to easily grasp how to manage navigating around it.
Opinion: The software has been cheaper than its competitor gets a lot of credit and increasingly is becoming the alternative for network and database management. On the other hand, there are a variety of few elaborate function that the software lacks, the software has been not updated since 2009 with a very old user interface making some basic functions really hard to navigate through.
Name: GIMP
Category: Utility
Purpose: This is a photo editing tool which is open sourced and a direct competitor of Photoshop apps such as Adobe Lightroom editing tools. Gimp employs great pixel level editing that incorporates a variety of functions and remains easy to employ.
Opinion: It is incredibly important and easy to use for small local level editing day to day social media and work photos.
Name: Avast antivirus software
Category: Application software
Purpose: This is an elaborate software that started out as an antivirus software protecting the computer against malware and other threats but has evolved to become a more complex all inclusive application software. It has chrome browser plug-ins that also protect online browsing and download activity, it reviews computer productivity, identifies junk materials and suggests ways to maximize on storage and RAM use in order to bring up productivity.
Opinion: It is a great protector but they are incredibly heavy when it comes to scanning and do little to protect against hackers, the additionally find it hard to detect or control large or multiple malwares and will just detect and inform the user.
Name: Windows Firewall
Category: System
Purpose: Protection of the computer against internet and network based threats. Functions adequately in filtering the information that comes from the internet into your device and highlights of potential harmful interaction. It also blocks programs from establishing communication without user authorization.
Opinion: Adequate and is pre-installed into the system, adequately preventing most risky communication with a warning.
Name: Light key
Category: Application
Purpose: Works to improve user productivity by including the auto complete tool within the Microsoft word app. It has auto-correction features and immense predictive text feature since it studies and records one’s writing patterns.
Opinion: Improves a person’s productivity by increasing their typing speed and allowing them to get more work done.

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