Community Health Nursing: Public health Nurses
These are a group of nurses whose key role is to provide private nursing care to patients in the community. Public health Nurses are mostly based in community health centers and aids in care for the inpatients.
Public health nurses have significant contributions to the wellness of the society at large. In most cases, public health nurses. It is the responsibility of public health nurses to provide wellness education to in public health care centers by creating public education forums where various conditions affecting the community are addressed. Moreover, public health nurses have a significant contribution to various groups especially among patients with various conditions that include diabetes, hypertension and anemic conditions in that they provide tips on how to manage their conditions (MacMillan, 2005). They also promotes community wellness programs aimed at addressing various conditions that affects the general society by informing them on disease control measures and management criteria. Creation of community health programs is a vital contribution by public health nurses. They ensures that government policies in respect to community health promotion have been adhered. They helps in implementing government policies in respect to community health care programs (MacMillan, 2005). They also work to improve the health of the community by promoting programs that teach people how to prevent and treat diseases and how to deal with health problems. Public health nurses make an important contribution by making community health programs. They make sure that government policies about promoting health in the community are being followed. They help the government carry out its policies on community health care programs (MacMillan, 2005).
Public health nurses have done a lot for the general population by coming up with ways to stop opportunistic infections like cholera and make outbreak infections like Ebola less dangerous.
Public health nurses have played a significant role in the general population by developing techniques of averting occurrence of opportunistic infections such as cholera and reducing the severity of outbreak infections such as Ebola. Moreover, public health nurses ensures early detection of disease outbreaks and provides secondary care to in the population to prevent cases of disease spread (MacMillan, 2005). For instance, immunization and vaccination for children below the age of 5 years to prevent various health complications such as Measles, Polio Myelitis and Diphtheria.
MacMillan, H. L., Thomas, B. H., Jamieson, E., Walsh, C. A., Boyle, M. H., Shannon, H. S., & Gafni, A. (2005). Effectiveness of home visitation by public-health nurses in prevention of the recurrence of child physical abuse and neglect: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 365(9473), 1786-1793.

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