Functions of Private-Sector Organizations
Topic:Functions of Private-Sector Organizations

15 Jan 2020 02:16
Consider that you are the city’s emergency manager and you are asked to prepare a written presentation for the city council on the benefits of private–public partnerships. Homework help – Write a 2-3 page paper (in Help write my thesis – APA format) that includes the following:

Using your community, identify 3 key partnerships among the public, private, and non-profit sectors.
Explain how these partnerships are formed and maintained.
Explore the roles and responsibilities of the private sector in homeland security
Describe how the public and private sectors can work together to help keep the community safe.
Relate the partnerships to a prior or potential catastrophic event in your community and describe, in detail, how such partnerships would benefit the response, recovery, and community resilience.

Functions of Private Sector Organizations
Private sector organizations are companies run by individuals or groups that are free from government control. However, these private sectors can decide to partner with governments in what is known as public-private partnerships (P3) geared towards helping the greater community. These partnerships can either be long-term or short-term. In some cases, the public may work together with the private sector to improve security and the living standards of the society. No matter the cause for partnership, these sectors work together to achieve sustainable development within communities.
There are several public, private, and non-profit partnerships within Washington state that are formed and maintained to benefit the community. A longtime partnership has been within the (P3) sector in terms of transportation infrastructure. The skills offered by both sectors are necessary to ensure that quality amenities are provided for the greater public. The ferry terminal joint development is one of the P3 projects in 2010 that was run under the Transport Initiative Program (TIP). Another partnership cropped in 2019 to improve water quality under the Community Based Public-Private Partnership (CBP3) Program (Motlow, 2019). Lastly, there is a long-term, non-profit sector partnership with the public/private sectors known as the Washington Index where the nonprofits identify local datasets to determine how the community is fairing on health and education. These partnerships are formed and maintained by both sectors willingly sharing liability. While the public pays the private to some extent, the private sector also contributes to the project voluntarily.
The private sector plays a key role in the operations of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as they own over 85% of critical infrastructure. Fighting imminent and emerging threats is the goal of DHS as the organization strives to maintain the safety of America. Since the private sector is composed of work stations that are prone to threats, the specialists within those fields are more likely to face security threats first hand. It is the role of the private sector to ensure that the power grids, water systems and chemical processes are safe. The DHS also formed the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC), where the private sector companies are supposed to give information on data breaches (Deakins, 2015). When the private sector takes the responsibility to relay information to the CTIIC, they help the DHS to improve the chances of capturing cybercriminals.
The public and private sector can work together efficiently once they realise that one isn’t complete without the other. Just like a normal community, these sectors need to rely on each other as neighbors. This is achievable through the formation of alliances, where the public sets bidding for private and at the same time, the private offers reasonable deals to the public to foster the relationship. If at all the Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved, these sectors need to realise that partnerships are the only way to win. When the Oso Mudslide occurred in March 2014, the public, private, and non-profit sectors all rushed in to help the victims. The response, recovery, and community resilience was effective because all sectors worked together. There is no doubt that more similar partnerships will help the community feel safer.
In conclusion, the public and private sectors play key roles in the development of the community; to keep the people safe and improve their lives. Partnering with the DHS ensure that there is additional support to combating insecurity. Private-public sectors working together will ensure that the future is bright and friendlier to all communities.

Deakins, O. (2015). The Private Sector’s role in the new face of Homeland Security. Retrieved from
Motlow, M. (2019). Community Based Public-Private Partnerships Benefit Local Governments. Retrieved from

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