Forms Of Business
This assignment requires you to find an article and write a report. Below are the instructions:

1. Read the Article Review Rubric (See Rubrics and Other Course Info Module)

2. Find an article (from a business publication) that covers:

– One or more forms of a business (business structure)

3. Your article must be from an objective news source. Please Do Not Use:

* Videos

* Blogs

* A source whose primary mode is televised news (e.g., do not use: CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, CBS, WAVY-10, etc.) These sources do not provide the necessary objective, in-depth coverage.

Business Studies
This assignment requires you to find an article and write a report. Below are the instructions:

1. Read the Article Review Rubric (See Rubrics and Other Course Info Module)

2. Find an article (from a business publication) that covers:

– One of the topics from Chapters 10 or 11 (i.e., E-commerce, Pricing, or Credit) and must relate to small businesses

3. Your article must be from an objective news source. Please Do Not Use:

* Videos

* Blogs

* A source whose primary mode is televised news (e.g., do not use: CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, CBS, WAVY-10, etc.) These sources do not provide the necessary objective, in-depth coverage.

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