Test with the two analysis you addressed inside the second dialogue question in Matter 1. What information assortment methods, units, samples, or settings have been NOT used? Why do you contemplate the researchers chosen to stay away from these methods, units, samples, or settings? What potential gaps do these omissions create? What explicit gaps did the researcher set up as ideas for future analysis? How does this information inform your dissertation study?

Empirical study 1: 
Munir, F. & Aboidullah, M. (2018). Gender Variations in Transformational Administration Behaviors of College Principals and Lecturers’ Instructional Effectiveness. Bulletin of Coaching & Evaluation, 40(1), 99–113.
https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ofs&AN=130447337&web site=eds-live&scope=web site

Empirical study 2:
Guillemin, M., & Gillam, L. (2004). Ethics, Reflexivity, and “Ethically Important Moments” in Evaluation. Qualitative Inquiry, 10(2), 261–280.

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